Officers of the Grand Magisterium

Grand Master - Sua Eminenza Reverendissima Il Signor Cardinale Fernando FILONI

Grand Prior of the Order - Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem - Sua Beatitudine Mons. Pierbattista PIZZABALLA, OFM

Assessor - Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Mons. Tommaso CAPUTO

Lieutenant General -

Governor General - S.E. Cavaliere di Collare Amb. Conte Leonardo VISCONTI DI MODRONE

Vice-Governor General for North America - H.E. P. Thomas POGGE, KGCHS

Vice-Governor General for Europe

S.E. le Chev.Gr.Cr. Jean-Pierre Marie de GLUTZ-RUCHTI

S.E. Cab. Gr. Cr. Enric MAS

Vice-Governor General for Asia & the Pacific Region - H.E. John R. SECKER, KGCHS

Chancellor - Cav. Gr. Cr. Amb. Alfredo BASTIANELLI

Master of Ceremonies of the Order - Mons. Adriano PACCANELLI

Treasurer - S.E. Cav. Gr. Cr. Dott. Saverio PETRILLO